Sunday, August 26, 2007

CAT 2007

Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Kozhikode, Lucknow
COMMON ADMISSION TEST (CAT): SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2007Programmes:* Post Graduate Programmes in Management (PGP)IIM Ahmedabad: PGP, PGP-ABM and PGP-PMP / IIM Bangalore: PGP and PGSEMIIM Calcutta: PGP-PGDM and PGP-PGDCM / IIM Indore: PGP and Exec-PGPIIM Kozhikode: PGP / IIM Lucknow: PGP and PGP-ABM* Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) [equivalent to Ph.D.]IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Indore, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Lucknow Note: Separate advertisements will appear for the Fellow Programme of each institute as well as the PGP-PMP and PGP-ABM of IIM Ahmedabad, PGSEM programme of IIM Bangalore, PGDCM programme of IIM Calcutta, and the Exec-PGP of IIM Indore. Admission to PGP-PMP 2008-09 of IIM Ahmedabad would not be based on CAT 2007.See the CAT bulletin for further information.
Last date for receipt of completed CAT Applications by the IIMs: September 8, 2007
Test Centres:Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Noida, Patna, Pune and Varanasi. Note: IIMs reserve the right to change or cancel any test centre at their discretion.Sale of CAT Application Form and Bulletin by Banks:The CAT application form and bulletin can be obtained at branches of UTI bank/Vijaya Bank, between July 16 and August 16, 2007 for Rs.1100/- (Rs.550/- for SC/ST candidates). Please note that a candidate needs to buy only one CAT Application Form irrespective of how many IIMs he/she is, applying to. Candidates buying the form from UTI bank/Vijaya Bank/IIMs must enclose the 3rd copy of Bank's / IIMs' Pay-in Slip bearing the Candidate's name with the CAT Application Form. SC/ST candidates should submit a copy of SC/ST certificate to the Bank / IIM at the time of obtaining the CAT Application Form. Candidates should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria of the programme in which they are interested, before procuring the CAT Application Form. CAT application forms of ineligible candidates and application forms with incomplete information will be summarily rejected. CAT Application Forms, once sold, will not be taken back and no claims of refund of CAT Application Fee will be entertained.Sale of CAT Application Form and Bulletin by IIMs:Under exceptional circumstances [such as (a) the stock of bulletins exhaust the nearby branch of the bank, (b) the bank branch is inaccessible to the candidate, (c) the bulletin sale through banks close), CAT Application Form and Bulletin can also be obtained directly from anyone of the IIMs till August 20, 2007 by sending a crossed demand draft for Rs.1100 (Rs.550 for SC/ST candidates with a copy of the SC/ST certificate) drawn in favour of the respective IIM. Request for the bulletin should be accompanied by a cloth-lined self-addressed unstamped envelope of size 12"x10".The complete application form for CAT 2007 with supporting documents should be sent so as to reach the concerned IIM on or before September 8, 2007. IIMs would not be held responsible for non-delivery or postal delays in case of CAT Application Forms and Bulletins sent by the speed/ registered post / courier and/or non-delivery or postal delays in receipt of completed CAT 2007 application form.The CAT Bulletin can also be perused or downloaded from the CAT website